
Project evolution

Calling All Innovative SMEs in Rehabilitation | by 14 February 2025

The RehAllianCE project, of which NSBproject is a ...

RehAllianCE project aims to:
  • optimizing usage of new technologies in rehabilitation to improve life quality of Central Europe inhabitants
  • innovating the rehabilitation care system

Rehabilitation is care that helps people get back or improve abilities necessary for their daily life. The challenge is that such a care often lies with the family without much systemic or technological support. The RehAlliance project helps MedTech companies to break-through and accelerate the commercilisation of their products. The project partners share experiences and good practices to develop a set of policy recommendations to improve the health care sector’s innovation governance. They will test new technologies, such as rehabilitation robots or exoskeletons, assistive devices, wearables or telemetric tools.

  • Optimizing usage of new technologies in rehabilitation
  • Innovating the rehabilitation care system
  • Accelerating the commercialisation of MedTech products
  • Sharing experiences and good practices to develop a set of policy recommendations to improve the health care sector’s innovation governance
  • Testing new technologies, such as rehabilitation robots or exoskeletons, assistive devices, wearables or telemetric tools.


Start date: 05.2024
End date: 10.2026

  • Technology Scouting
  • Coordinator of B2B meetings focused on new technologies rehabilitation
  • Provider of services for the Rehab Consultancy program
  • Enhancing innovation ecosystems’ competences in MedTech rehab. advanced solution with the setting up of the RehalliAnCE Competence Center.
Project implementation:
  • Permanently align budget and operations
  • Financial Reporting & Amendments management
  • Monitor clinical studies, assess technoloygy readiness of the platform and identify follow-up opportunities

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